Environment, Full Day Kindergarten Expectations, Inquiry, Play Based Learning

A Leap of Faith!

A few years ago I embarked on a educational journey that would lead me to a new role working with children. Those who have followed this Journey Together FDK blog most likely know and share my passion for learning and the early years.

Full Day Kindergarten captured my heart from the very beginning. The amazing professionals I worked alongside each day inspired and uplifted me personally and professionally. I was able to network with those who strive to uphold Ministry expectations and consistently better their own practice through action research and dedication to the field education.

Over the years, I have worked with incredible teams! Teams in childcare, FDK and special education. Each experience helped me learn and grow. Each educator offering new ideas, strategies and a professional approach to teaching children. Today I thank everyone of those amazing educators for being a part of my journey.

This summer I decided to share what we have learned theoretically about FDK and demonstrate how we applied this into our practice. The information will be shared in resources referred to as The Sandbox Approach. Through Teachers Pay Teachers, a number of information pieces will be provided in order to bring teams together, help FDK educators get off to a successful start, and provide new ideas to those teams already off and running! The “sandbox” symbolizing a team approach and honoring what each professional brings to the program.

The Full Day Kindergarten Program can not be prescribed due to the vision for the program. This program takes the lead of the child and encourages young children to be actively involved in their learning and how each learning experiences will unfold. Each classroom is different, each student unique and it is the role of the educator teams to honor student voice. With that said, these resources offer information and a starting place. A chance to witness and uncover how learning happens in a play/inquiry based classroom. Every team across Ontario will have a common focus at the beginning of their year together; building a responsive, welcoming classroom community and a culture for learning. The Sandbox Approach offers teams a successful start to the year by sharing information that will guide and support the first 6 weeks.

Below are several links to The Sandbox Approach store where you can access all resources!

The Sandbox Approach: Full Day Kindergarten Classroom Starter Bundle by

The Sandbox Approach: Weekly FDK Schedule- Sample

The Sandbox Approach: Curriculum Plan-Week 1 Lesson Plan


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